dr simon yu parasite protocol
She educates patients and families on the regimens, protocols, and therapies that detoxify and/or build the immune system. Simon Yu, MD - YouTube The Cowden Lyme herbs were fine with parasite medications. Q: Did you ever try turpentine? Let's look into the underlying problem. I'm relying on the meridian system to go lookout in the subtle energy field, what the problem might be. However, the person usually hasnt seen any parasites coming out, nor have they experienced symptom relief. Dr. Yu encountered several miracle-improvements using parasite medication and wrote two books about his experiences:Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients, and Accidental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life. But that only gets through the superficial level. It's not new information. Its like a crap shoot with only one die. Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist, Director of Health and Wellness Resources. Radical Remission Surviving Cancer Against All Odds 2014. I found the protocols tolerable, but not easily. Parasites & CIRS Update | Biotoxin Journey <> As has always been the case, this event was simply superb and enlightening. I have a patient who is going blind, losing eyesight. Personally, I would rather fix my gastrointestinal bacterial balance. n$XNor86t" W=vP:),8{xn_jx?8UnM\&1ggy6m/rhD}njv#.zqWyC?!rQ b@YBC^L} z+.jz\'R"C01M;B`CEC[ErqAq^%LsC0fd3"IQ-# X5[aI{,tWn' 1N)t%:j^:EyDM%bBWtdmeaK[XV$?$bc!P%K0rgA[NzG{%7tw']RX +ynY$~OXL%"FDZw[Xk&>$!J8%Z=&zVwRI@ZBib-,do`3&^*}}A% rcEbV?5-__.d^X\gX XD .`KrbMp"_[?k6 Q~H~ Our microbiology stool test results were perfect, so I know there wasnt an absorption problem. z Enema protocols ( K.Rivera, Gubarev) With so many worms and flukes. Ravenous hunger, but pale & malnourished looking (w). Stay up to date with the latest from Prevention and Healing, Inc. Acupuncture is offered in our office by Pingfan Liu, O.M.D., L.Ac., (Oriental Medical Doctor, Licensed Acupuncturist). His recent bookAcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Lifeis a fantastic resource for patients and clinicians alike. I now also have a whole binder with pictures of parasites that weve excreted. In this case, we still take the parasite medications. When people come to see me, whether they have MS, Parkinson's, ALS, or cancer or some unusual condition, I tell them, I'm going to make a conscious effort to ignore your diagnosis and ignore your symptoms. Slowly, however, I became thankful that these odd creatures were coming out. Sorry, I really wish this answer were different. At work. Some vets sell it. for Dr. Simon Yu: Parasite Patient Testimonial - YouTube Patient was working for months in Egypt. Attention the information on this page can save your life! Worden Medical Specialties. My husband had his RX change temporarily while he was excreting the majority of his parasites, but he didnt have a permanent change. Please note that these medication rounds are not a general parasite protocol. This was good news. 3Xs" M$ Its a continual spectrum. Many say that heavy metals act as an antennae for EMFs. Dr. Simon M. Yu - St. Louis, MO - RateMDs 29 0 obj Information is intended for the reader's personal use only. Board Certification: American Board of Internal Medicine. Do I really have worms in my body? Note that Dr. Simon Yu recommends flushing 4x/year, even for a healthy person. This site represents the opinions formed by the author based on the authors research, experiences and conclusions. My sense is that if there is an acute exposure, these foods might help prevent the parasites in humans from becoming established. We decided to fly the whole family to St. Louis to work with Dr. Simon Yu. I think if someone has no beneficial bacteria in the colon, then MMS might be an interesting idea. Dr Simon Yu MD 2018: Parasite Medications Targeting Cancer Cells JFIF C Our family has worked on parasite symptoms with every kind of local practitioner MDs, Dos, NDs, DAOMs, GI Specialists, Homeopaths, Acupuncturists. Simon Yu, afterward we did some days of internship with Simon. The allergy immunology point and the dental point are not classical Chinese acupuncture points. I don't have any formal training in parasites, just purely from experience from the military, and then applying that in different combinations to produce a better successful outcome. Q: What your thoughts are on treating with anti viral medication along side parasite meds? Call our office, 314-432-7802, to speak with Barb or other members of our team. Once EMFs were identified as a stressor, he then looked for things that might be associated to the EMF stress and found heavy metals were playing a role. Although our family mostly had the same parasites, you can see that our medications varied widely. DebugYourHealth.com does not receive any money from the sale, referral fees, or advertisements of any products mentioned on this site. The amounts do not come close to what you took.. This includes testing Additional Medications with the Kalcker Protocol medications. Dr. Retzek says he has been very lucky to have attended Dr. Yus training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) in St. Louis three times. We help doctors and dentists learn forensics to detect hidden health threats by offering training on Acupuncture Meridian Assessment Training (AMA). Information presented on this site is not intended to serve as medical advice. There is a grassroots movement to use Fenbendazole, an anti-parasitic, as part of a Joe Tippens protocol to treat cancer. (YGpZfL=7+C;hNh[Ow,bO1DBMI#3aw&k:(0 /srQ;FraF9\\#7}}XHl-URvo#ZRBH;rps-tTf)yJ5"R(JP$XPAkWS4^pc4}#kW66S#WEIZAC1i}0U2I|}D-)"!=-,o#3Oaf#[b t5}& {J/EM9\c"J 7C^uWc:ydE)X 6*8QXj (6YB{XRH7@T !j;3/L4)l0"AH;"xRuW>1a?|~q0m%_I]s Q2*Q57+/faX,?Qb/T M98t^eTp8EJTR7giuXV5?2T$nA/6A|kt>P,44-[\ A AfK[>R2xk}j!aWNaG#@$r4C See Additional Parasite Medications for more details on treating flukes and protozoans. While the parasite finding was somewhat surprising, I had traveled to several countries months before the sleep issues began (and we also know that parasites are not that difficult to acquire). Ph (480) 588-2233. endobj At first I was totally grossed out and freeeked out when I saw these things coming out of us. through a Washington University Medical Center-University of Missouri-St. Louis joint program, with research on Immunology. From a recent article of Dr. Simon Yu, "Most parasite problems may manifest outside of the GI tract, i.e. After that it was not well tolerated. It is important to test parasite medications together. Dr. Yu lectures around the world and has studied Biological Medicine extensively in Europe. is a Board Certified Internist. <> We found that Diethyl is not always well tolerated. Q: My question to you is, did you start losing weight after you dewormed? We have found them equivalent to what we got from two compounding pharmacies in the US. He has been practicing Internal Medicine for 35 years, Integrative Medicine for 25 years, and worked as a medical director and physician at a regional HMO for 10 years. from Washington University and an M.S. All content, including text, graphics,videos, images and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. A: I am of the opinion that probiotics feed worms. Parasite protocol - Parasitic diseases - Inspire Facebook. I would be very curious to know if this man had worms or flukes. React. I had to break the dose into three and take every 6 hours.. This was based on our home energy testing and ZYTO. 22 0 obj More information on the Joe Tippens protocol using Fenbendazole can be found here and on the Facebook group. 2 0 obj Slowly, I became thankful that these creatures were coming out. Here is the outline of what weve learned: Western Practitioners Dont Know How to Diagnose or Treat Parasites, Natural Parasite Cleanses Homeopathic, Herbal and Holistic Approach, Where to Get Parasite Medications for Humans. Hardly anyone de-worms their dogs either. HeliR - July 7, 2019. If its an issue in the large intestine or small intestine, it is usually larger ones like the tapeworm, nematode. endobj He uses the most aggressive (in my case) prescription drugs, which I desperately needed, and every other enhancement therapy (ozone and ultralight) to eliminate the parasites and subsequent infections. endobj The following educational videos show how we figured out which parasite medications to take, in what doses. Her ophthalmologist can see parasites in the eye, and she was losing eyesight every week. Dr. Yu used a combination of prescribed and natural options for parasites and fungi. The question is, are the parasites bothering us and can our bodies control them? Its possible that some of the herbal or more natural remedies might work too for these small infestations. I think most people with chronic illness, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, MS, Parkinson's, and other neurologic disorders or cancer, at least 90% of the time, have problems with parasites and dental problems. I have no scientific evidence to back up this theory. I feel like I am having a horrible hangover, nausea, dizziness, headache, fatigue, and general malaise. endobj Let me start with a few quotes from one of Dr. Simon Yu MDs recent articles: Why Are parasite problems overlooked? Conditions Treated; Treatment Goals . 13 0 obj Center for Disease Control and Prevention. PDF 2011 Klinghardt Academy Event I eventually realized that the flush was much more effective if done fasting, so I switched to only flushing after every 2 rounds of parasite medications instead of after every round. We sometimes noticed parasites coming out immediately, but often they came out the morning after the enema. Learn how to treat dental, fungal and parasite problems to heal the immune system, and begin to write your own story. The children are constantly being re-exposed at school. If these debugging techniques are new, check out the Overview Video first. Dont kids usually have night wakings? However, one relatively small dose of parasite medications usually clears things right up. Dr. Liu is a licensed acupuncturist in the State of Missouri (L.Ac) and certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). Was this information useful? Is your redox potential out of balance? . A: The answers are buried in this page. Controversies and challenges in research on urogenital schistosomiasis-associated bladder cancer. Trends in Parasitology, 2014. Posted 2/12/2014 11:52 AM (GMT -8) Has anyone here heard of or seen Dr. Simon Yu in St. Louis before? endobj Here is a list of things we tried over the years that failed: None of the above items really worked. To contact Chaplain Paul, call 314-440-1527, our office, or email pjoh420@aol.com. In terms of biological terrain, are you acidic, or are you alkaline? In this video, she thanks Dr. Simon Yu of St. Louis, an integrative MD and US Army Reserve Medical Corps physician (retired as a Full Colonel), who developed this form of treatment. In August, I wrote a blog about attending Dr. Simon Yu's Acupuncture Meridian Assessment (AMA) Training course. I learned a great deal Q: What about binders? He also strongly recommends flushing after every round of parasite medications (for adults only). and that I gave them to my children in-utero. This patient testimonial video was submitted with permission by Dr.med Helmut Retzek, praxis for integrative and biological medicine in Voecklabruck, Austria, www.retzek.info. 20 0 obj Our experience is that chelating while taking parasite medications was pretty hard on our bodies, and we sometimes had to stop chelation while taking parasite medications. Dr. Yu is an expert in finding many of the key things other doctors may miss; namely parasites, fungal, and dental issues. While he's not requesting to see me again for a year, I'll definitely be back. There are a few scientific studies about this [4, 5], but the mainstream media has also written a few articles. The Kalcker protocol includes the RX parasite medications Mebendazole and Pyrantel Pamoate. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Disclaimer: The information. Every time I eat I cannot taste the food but the medicine. Not only do you need to know who your enemy is, but you also need to know yourself. I have no scientific evidence to back this up. can be found in How To Give a Child an Enema. This link will provide you with information on parasites and diseases of humans world-wide. <> Now with modern technology, we have an electronic device so we can measure the meridian system more precisely. Heres my take: Parasites are very hard to kill [2]. He then retested the meridians and found that my large intestine, liver, and allergy-immunology (modern disease) points were out of balance (as seen in the image). ( Parasites in humans are the root cause of many chronic illnesses, including cancer, fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, autism, and lyme, to name a few. This leads me to the theory that I have had flukes for a long time (maybe passed from my mother?) This site does not imply that everyone should do the same or can achieve similar results. So, back on three more ten-day cycles of parasite treatment with an additional three liver-gallbladder flushes. 8A6W lmrcbJE!^20K23L;/3#lA~Jc!u#RX-bR877+)LAgxY${[3ti_v} Lz])g*&DScgS21"ezn%%_,%Q,/0k s-JWfa(*]Zz(?by35!t5xbSK 3G we didnt expect these to improve when we started treating parasites). Dogs poo all over our parks and lawns. For more articles and information about integrative medicine, patient success stories, and Dr. Yu's new book, AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine: Battle Plan for Your Life, visit his website at www.preventionandhealing.com or call Prevention and Healing, Inc., 314-432-7802. To use the analogy from the military training, we are looking for what I call an asymmetric threat. Pingfan Liu studied for five years and graduated in 1987 from Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (T.C.M.) endobj See the section on healing leaky gut for more information. While I was there, I decided to schedule an appointment to have him evaluate me with his AMA system as well as it had been several years. . Dr. Simon Yu On Parasites, Dental Infections and Cancer The following is a heavily edited transcript of an interview with St Louis internist, Dr. Simon Yu. Some parasites can be acquired from undercooked or raw food, but many are in the environment. Published Dec 2, 2020 + Follow Last week, a friend sent me a post by Dr. Richard Horowitz on work to advocate for US trials. Then you can do a gallbladder and liver flush. Parasites - Debug Your Health All rights reserved. Theyre overlooked because there are no reliable ways to detect parasites, and we assume parasites are only in third world countries One of the hardest parts of treating parasites as a physician is that there are no reliable tests available. However, this does not mean that all parasites are gone, it just means that they are no longer effecting the acupuncture meridians. Over time I watch gallbladders being removed, autism developing, GI issues, cancer, and all kinds of other seemingly unrelated symptoms. Information is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Episode #103: AcciDental Blow Up in Medicine with Dr. Simon Yu, MD We use either Pyrantel pamoate or Mebendazole because they are the two least expensive parasite medications available for the US Army. I found it comforting to see others posting similar pictures on the Bottoms Up Facebook Group. I can pick up information that people didn't address before. Dr. Yu from my impression is one that recognizes that people from all walks of life have parasites and that it is possible. Dr. While Debugyourhealth.com uses reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, no warranties or representations are made as to the accuracy, validity, or reliability of any information which may be presented. We have spent tens of thousands of dollars and many years of our lives on the quest to get rid of parasites worms, flukes, & protozoans. Infection is a first-line I am trying to fix. The Kalcker protocol is a great starting place for treating worms. Ideas of where to get these medications can be found in where to get parasite medications. annab2015. I'm relying on the meridian system. Twitter. [4] Brindley, Paul and Loukas, Alex. Around January 2019, I started having sleep problems for the first time in my life. I do acupuncture meridian assessment. He has also organized three meetings in Europe for doctors and dentists with Dr. Yu. I dont remember using parasite medications in my medical training or any experiences treating medical conditions related to parasite infestations, Dr. Simon Yu [2]. Mama. least important, on this list. Piperazine: This link is constantly breaking. Some of our family members took extra DE (usually ~1Tablespoon 2x/day) for some periods of time. Weve been taking Chlorella for many years, I havent seen that clinically or energetically showing up as beneficial for parasites. Call our office, 314-432-7802, to make an appointment with Dr. Liu. If it is in the brain, it can be anything. The list is both so long and complete that it is easy to come to the conclusion that many of our modern uncureable ailments must be due to parasites. We used our home energy testing to find out if we should use Diethyl or Mebex (see videos below). After two years working in a hospital of TCM, in 1992 he received his postgraduate degree at Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. I have yet to see an herb-only protocol that works. First I test individual medications. <> I then test items that we have that would support these topics. Below are the details of our parasite medication rounds. <> Links to other websites have been carefully chosen, but do not imply endorsement and we are not responsible or liable for their information and contents. He is the only doctor we know of who is having some success diagnosing and treating parasites in humans. Human Skin Parasites Page at UC Davis. I was still working hard, going to the gym, and doing well overall, but the lack of sleep was taking a toll. Dr. Yu uses EAV testing / Acupuncture Meridian Assessment to assess parasite load and other bodily stressors. There are also excellent pictures in Kerri Riveras book.). Not so much. BetterHealthGuy.com may make an affiliate referral fee for items the reader purchases from links within the site. I keep testing, especially starting one week before the full and new moons. Every time I excrete it smells pretty foul. We were very sick the first few rounds and saw lots of flukes and worms coming out in our stool, through our urinary tract, and we even coughed a few up! 17 0 obj Thankful for extra energy and increased vitality for the whole family! endobj What is your opinion of it? This has the added benefits of being able to properly digest food and assimilate minerals. I check for 40 main acupuncture points known for thousands of years. <> I tried to minimize the number of rounds with Tinidazole, since it required 3-4 months of very strict dieting and anti-fungals. I dont know how one could figure all of this out otherwise! Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Osteopathic Although these are supportive of the body, and made us feel good, we didnt observe them permanently helping us with parasites. 11 0 obj Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt MD, PhD and the Klinghardt Academy hosted "A Deep Look Beyond Lyme" May 6-8, 2011 in Redmond, WA. I always look for issues in layer after layer. A complete list of recent enemas we have taken can be found in the Enema Details section. Perhaps, but leaving our bodies with chronic parasitic infections makes them prone to other infections and diseases. The kids are constantly picking them up at school. Once infected, the mother . I never separate dental issues from parasites. <>/F 4/A<>>> With DNA tests, we often find not only all different microbes but parasites such as protozoa and entamoeba that go down to the gut. 2L$3IQsAV>=Ay-9ONcM$bEPviL.z{,P 'zgGz:\cs k7i!o%JB( ZS|2u%ED*oy.CeTTE`-R=.I_&tsV0xlYg[a"Y&)\-r9e 5kMC.1T>lsXlWL DL#JP9W*z_qrPn=! You can also attend a free monthly presentation and discussion on . I dont think they are necessary; they are optional. There are other supplements that we took, e.g. After working for months in Egypt, this woman and all her colleagues got sick. Nope. Fortunately, the results were quite good, though there were some mild elevations of lead, tin, and tungsten. Dr. Klinghardt was joined by speakers such as Dr. Simon Yu MD, Dr. Stephen Fry MD, Tami Duncan, and others. In the allergy immunology point, I see heavy metal problems, fungal problems, mycotoxins, environmental toxins, and even electromagnetic fields. endobj If you found this information helpful, I would very much appreciate your support in keeping the site going. by Simon Yu Paperback $27.95 This Is Your Brain On Parasites: How Tiny Creatures Manipulate Our Behavior and Shape Society by Kathleen McAuliffe Paperback $16.99 Customers who viewed this item also viewed Page 1 of 1 Start over Accidental Cure: Extraordinary Medicine for Extraordinary Patients Simon Yu 92 Paperback 22 offers from $16.00