tub resurfacing fumes apartment
Prolonged skin contact may cause irritation and even chemical burns. I was researching because i just had a bad experience. Please take proper safety precautions, as well as warn others of these seriously dangerous situations. Reglazing involves stripping off the previous coating and sanding down the tub. Rents an apartment with ventilation that mixes with neighbors and brings odors from adjacent apartments, Was subjected to highly toxic fumes from maintenance being performed on a neighboring apartment Suffered from effects of those fumes, and nearly succumbing to them I guess this is one of those occupational hazard jobs when doing bathtub refinishing. We share your concern for the workers who worked on the tub in a confined space with the door closed. I would concenr it to home owners wanting to get bathtub resurfacing done. This post was helpful to me too. I feel sure many, many more have died from methylene chloride than we know why is this so? This study is great for warning against the potential dangers. I have used this product recently on a tub used all the proper PPE and approved NIOSH mask and jump suit and I have tasted this awful taste in my mouth for a couple of days its been 2 weeks and I still kinda feel it in my chest. Lowering exposures, even below the permissible exposure limit (PEL), is considered to be good industrial hygiene practice. Until the finishing dries, it is a good idea to leave the house. He came home and seemed fine for a few days and then suddenly died. The Centers for Disease Control has more information on lead hazards on their web site. UNTIL RE-GLAZED? Step 2: Clean the Tub Thoroughly Step 3: Protect Areas Around the Tub Step 4: Remove the Glaze Step 5: Sand the Surface Step 6: Prep the Surface for Glaze Application However, the human body can quickly become desensitized to the smell and a worker may be overexposed even if he or she can no longer smell it. If youve been considering a bathroom remodel, then replacing an older tub might just make sense. The tub needs to go. You must ventilate your workspace to minimize tub reglazing fumes. Maybe others reading this blog will be able to help point you in the right direction. Is that smell dangerous for children? Animal studies have shown that exposure to methylene chloride may lead to liver and lung cancer, as well as tumors in the breast and salivary glands. The only ventilation in the hours between the reglazing and now was provided by the slatted windows in the bathroom. This is poor. Wow, great article on the dangers and Health Effects when methylene chloride is used. Bathtub refinishing is very dangerous. Most tubs can be reglazed if they are not overly damaged, but the process is generally recommended for steel, cast iron, or fiberglass tubs. We use a spray-on compound that hardens to a polished and durable, like-new finish. I took a shower and a 3 inch or so came off. The first one was a very long process because there was no air circulation what so ever si the two part paint kit kept separating from one another which kept me in the room with only my Tshirt pulled over my nose. As a result, most tenants moved. As a research agency, we do not have regulatory authority over the labeling or regulating on how methylene chloride is sold. I have an article on my site entitled Are Bathtub Refinishing Fumes Dangerous. I usually like to do things myself, but I think I will have to find someone to do my bathtub repair in concord ma. Many stripping products (including those that may also be available to consumers) contain high percentages of methylene chloride. Thank for sharing about bathtub refinishing. It feels toxic, but no one has instructed me to leave, so am I to assume that I am safe? Ask Sam: Will the U.S. Supreme Court end rent stabilization? I do home remodeling in Dallas, and many homeowners want to try to salvage some tubs, which is cost effective for some, but certainly a chemical risk for the workers and I would think the homeowners need to be made aware of this type of chemical being used in their home. Dont do it if you have to stay in your home immediately after. You can refinish a tub yourself if youre a true DIY-er, but the new finish can look painted or different than the original color or texture. Pacific Reglazing provides high quality, affordable kitchen and bathroom repair and refinishing services throughout the Greater Los Angeles area, the San Fernando Valley, Ventura, Orange County and Riverside County. Im 70 and have no place to go except my apartment. Can you give me any help in researching to determine if the polyurethane/acrylic finishes leaches? Almost every technical field has harmful effects but its on the company or professional person that how they can deal with it. Material data sheets, now referred to as Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are prepared by those who sell chemical products. But because were low income, we also do not get the luxury of telling management or housingno. Thank you for introducing this sensitive topic in such a way I never thought these chemicals were so dangerous. White advises keeping away fromcleansers likebleach oreven Soft Scrub. 22 oz. Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its employees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website. I think this blog is very helpful in knowing about the bad effects Bathtub refinishing of such dangerous products.We need to know what all are used while doing refinishing.Thanks a lot for sharing such a helpful information. What are the effects of being in the house during the process (for our pets) and after the process (chemical wise around our kids). Why is this not part of a home inspection, when you move into a house, built in 1950? After doing research on reglazing chemicals typically used for bathtubs, we found that it's strongly suggested to (1) not be in the home for at least 48 hours after the reglazing and (2) that leaving windows open is not enough, but you must bring in some kind of ventilation gear such as hurricane fans or powered tubing to clear the area out . You should ask the installer to check that the product was applied correctly. Your new bathroom's finish won't have any . MC is not flammable on its own. No one deserves to go through this heartache of losing a friend, due to a situation that could have easily been avoided. I didnt think too much about it. My little dog had trouble breathing during the night and I had to go to urgent care for a chest xray. Contact me via e-mail njtragroup@gmail.com and send me your ideas. Bathtub refinishing fumes are dangerous and you do not want yourself or anyone in the home breathing them. Together we can make the nightmare of stripping bathtubs a thing of the past! We sure take a lot things for granted. I have one side of my nose feeling congested and post nasal drip and a headache. Please let me know where to seek more information, particularly in the Australian climate? Traditional Spray Paint Style Refinishing has certain inherent dangers that you should be aware of. Great amazing blog post I really love such lovely blog posts. Unfortunately, manufacturers tend to play-down the immediate and especially long-term exposure risks from degassing (fumes) that occur perhaps over the next month or more. Cristine. Bathtub refinishing is the process of restoring the surface of an old bathtub to improve the bathtubs appearance and repair surface damage. My tub will soon be refinished and I am glad I have read this article. We face inspections every year where lots of tubs are refinished in this building.but no precautions are ever taken to protect the residents and their animals. I live in low income housing, a few years ago they said my tub need to be refinished. The apt right next to me was just resurfaced and the chemicals came through the air vents. After an hour again, I decided to take a ride to feel fresh air. keep blogging~! If the cost of removing the old tub and installing a new one versus reglazing are similar or your tub is particularly old or damaged, it might be better to get a new one. I am linking an article from the Retro Renovation blog on safety that includes links to other sources on this. Barely 3 days later I now have pluracy and bronchitis, i feel the building should be held responsible as we werent notified of the dangers. I also worry about the health of those doing this kind of work. From now we must be aware if wanna to do that. Since methylene chloride is a volatile organic compound that will evaporate faster when sprayed, brushed, or poured, the chemical vapors can quickly build up in small spaces. The toxins became so concentrated in a short period of time due to lack if ventilation and confined space. Methylene chloride exposure may cause dizziness, fatigue, headaches, nausea, a feeling of intoxication, and eye, nose, and throat irritation. I wish I discovered this post a few weeks earlier. It is a less costly alternative to replacing a bathtub; however, the process often involves the use of hazardous chemicals including methylene chloride, acids, and isocyanates. Its good to know that if you have your bathtub reglazed, you much have proper ventilation. Bathtub refinishing is being used more by hotels, apartment complexes and homeowners because of a housing downturn, a mortgage-meltdown, and overall depressed and depressing economy as a way to save money in their bathroom renovation. Is it dangerous to any or all of us? loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. There may also be substitute stripping products or methods however, please be aware that substitute stripping products may include other harmful chemicals or hazards, so use substitutes safely. Needless to say, I was shocked, I am taken aback by the statistics. Eyes, skin and residual in clothing adsorbption can also be significant and detrimental. A 2015 report by the Center for Public Integrity on U.S. deaths connected to methylene chloride noted that researchers have argued for 30 years that regulation of methylene chloride in the U.S. isnt strong enough to protect workers and that warnings on labels for consumers are insufficient. At Specialized Refinishing, we have a team of highly experienced, certified refinishing and reglazing technicians who can restore and revitalize a wide variety of surfaces and fixtures in your rental property or before you put a house on the market. NIOSH work in this area only pertains to workers exposed when using stripping agents containing methylene chloride during bathtub refinishing. I blog often and I really appreciate your content. These cookies perform functions like remembering presentation options or choices and, in some cases, delivery of web content that based on self-identified area of interests. I have actually replaced a dead refinisher who has lossed his life stripping a bathtub. No warning that fumes would make me sick. I just rented a house. Your blog has provided useful information for the work. Ms. Scott thank you for your interest in our blog Dangers of Bathtub Refinishing and your question regarding how to assess exposure to toxic vapors. Very interesting. His death could have been easily prevented if he had simply had a co worker outside the door to verbally check on him every 30 seconds. If those working with these finishes have concerns about their health they can request a Health Hazard Evaluation from NIOSH at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/hhe/. Even if they come in a spray can unless you really know how to spray a cross hatch overlap pattern then you will have dry edges. Thank you for your comment. It seemed like this article focused more on the concerns of MC and not ISO is there a follow up article that is just based on Isocyantes? We are a BBB Certified Resurfacing company located in Houston, Texas. Qualified pros will have all the necessary protective gear, including coveralls and masks with HEPA air filters. Whether your tub is refinished or reglazed depends on whether or not the old coating was removed before putting a new layer of epoxy or another coating. Bathtub. White is popular, but we can do pretty much any color you have in mind. I hope many people will now be thinking at least thrice before making use of such chemicals. Changing ones business practices and methods can certainly be a daunting task and a big decision, but in the case of methylene chloride and bathtubs it is an important, potentially lifesaving one. Its in our best interest to devise a way to remove these coatings without harming ourselves or the environment. I use all chemical-free products to clean, and cannot use otherwise or it affects me. Always check product labels and safety data sheets to understand the recommended and required precautions. What that means is that at room temperature, methylene chloride will evaporate very rapidly, much more rapidly than water. Right now, I am surrounded by vacant apartments, and the new owner is reglazing all of the tubs. All information these cookies collect is aggregated and therefore anonymous. How do I know if this is toxic? I think this should not be happening after 4 weeks but dont know what to do about it. I had my cast iron tub reglazed on a very hot humid day. I thought it would be a simple spray paint job. Pay $64.00 after $25 OFF your total qualifying purchase upon opening a new card. The epoxy coatings used to finish bathtubs can also emit dangerous vapors such as isocyanates when sprayed. One of the significant risks of refinishing a bathtub is exposure to methylene chloride or dichloromethane, which strips the tub and removes the previous glaze or finish. In Europe, the use of paint strippers containing more than 0.1 % methylene chloride is allowed only in industrial installations with adequate controls to reduce exposure. Methylene chloride, a chlorinated solvent, is a volatile, colorless liquid with a sweet-smelling odor. If I do decide to hire a professional, I will make sure they have the ventilation equipment described here. thanks Ron Hall for such a valuable information, its horrible, why its still available in the market, it should be banned from the market. I have contacted the government,the union head [name removed], and the legal ombudsman but to no avail. I have stripped hundreds of tubs. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. if we do we get evicted. (Fun fact: You can make it any color you want, so if youve ever wanted a purple bathtub, that dream can be realized.). We should all gather together and come up with solutions that are even better than what we are presented with now. It gives me hope to see that some commenters are specialists who are trying to recreate safer and more effective processes that will phase out use of this agent. Refinishing a bathtub is a less costly . Stripping products may also contain flammable solvents and flammability may be a concern. What is this stuff? To ensure their safety, the employees should have left the room immediately after applying the methylene chloride-based stripping agent to limit exposure to methylene chloride vapors. Thanks for the post on this. and products contain ISOs. Some healthcare providers specialize in assessing environmental exposures (see http://www.aoec.org/index.htm). Thanks for your comment. Ya, very helpful articles are posted. If the room where it was used is flushed with fresh air, perhaps by using a small fan, it is unlikely that any methylene chloride will be present or continue to leech out days after the re-glazing was done. It is now peeling off. Even if you hire a professional, let the area air out and keep it ventilated after the work is complete until you can no longer detect any unusual or chemical odors. Works on all types of surfaces. We refinish or "reglaze" bathtubs, showers, wall tile, bathroom sinks and counters as well as . Bathtub Refinishing vs. Liner: Whats Right for Your Home. I have personally resurfaced in the past for investment properties, and have smelt the sweet smell, but never was affected , luckily. As exposure increases so do the health effects, with a potential for suffocation, loss of consciousness, coma, and sudden death. It is now 5:30 p.m., and the fumes in the apartment are too much to bear. Some refinishing products may last longer than others, as with professional-grade finishers and DIY kits. The restrictions on placing on the market and use is a consequence of many incidents with lethal outcome. However, we have no information about the risks that might arise to the resident from exposure to the flaking surface of the refinished tub. Since Bathtub Refinishing can also be a consumer issue, another potential resource is Product Safety Australia http://www.productsafety.gov.au. We are in a rental and I had to stop allowing my daughter to take baths because its everywhere. IF THE GLAZED TUB IS SCRATCHED LATER DOES THAT RELEASE TOXIC FUMES? They know where people bathe. If youve got an old bathtub(or bathroom) and youre investigating your options for giving it an upgrade, youve likely come across the term reglazingalso known as refinishing or recoating, which can revive a tiredtub or evenold bathroom tile. My business is in the UK, safety of workers is as important over here. What is the difference between a muntin and a mullion and are they still used in windows? Thanks so much for the info! Let the physician or health care professional know the specific products and chemicals used and the environment you were working in. Thank you. My tub was removed from my home and refinished by a company here in Portland, OR. It hurt to know that such a good person you loved and cared about so much is now gone. Refinishing a bathtub is a fraction of the cost to replace your bathtub (around $2,900), so if youre at all hesitant about your DIY skills, hiring a pro is a somewhat small price to pay for your health and safety. The NIOSH studies pertained only to workers who were applying methylene chloride directly, and we have not studied consumer-related exposure such as you describe. i come back again this blog, any way i think discovered that the fumes were coming through the vent in her bathroom. The nearby exterior door was open for ventilation and the overhead fan was blowing and although they had a pipe going from the bathroom down the hall and out the front door this was not sufficient. I own a home built in 1940 and have been considering getting my cast iron bathtub refinished. Sometimes, its less expensive to replace a tub than to get it refinished, especially if its a rare type of tub made of an unusual material. Today, my apartment filled with fumes, and I feel sick. Reglazing a tub doesnt actually take that long to do. Mimi OConnor has written about New York City real estate for publications that include Brick Underground, Refinery29, and Thrillist. I worked at [Company name removed] for 14years. I attempt to lead a very clean life and avoid many commercial products (body care products, cleaning products, sprays etc). So, it should not present a long-term hazard to the residents after the project. Reglazing a tub doesnt actually take that long to do. While NIOSH research and prevention efforts typically focus on workers, worker representatives and employers, the readers of this blog may be able to help us reach the do-it-yourself community who can face the same risks. Its either not portable or cost prohibitive. Ive spoken with many other tub resurfacing company owners and employees, and most of them do not use or even own full-face air-supplied respirators. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO DRY SO NO DANGEROUS FUMES? There are a few scratches and black marks from a previously installed shower door that was installed on the tub. I have a chipped tub that is built in with tile walls. Anyone who is curious to try alternatives to MC-based strippers are encouraged to read these small business success stories. I am ok with both tub and tile appearance until I can afford a replacement/bath remodel. Fumes associated with bathtub stripping chemicals have taken the lives of those that did not follow the warnings on the product. At least 14 workers have died since 2000 as a result of using stripping agents containing methylene chloride during bathtub refinishing. Thank you! Avoid use of methylene chloride or minimize the amount of methylene chloride used at each site. In order to assess learn more about the products that are being used for the re-glazing, assess the air quality of your apartment, prevent exposure or remediate any hazards, seek assistance from the building owner or manager. I think this post was very helpful in knowing the bad effects Bathtub refinishing of such dangerous products. It is the first time I visit your blog, but I was extremely impressed. I understand the dangers of the application process, but what about the 2/3 days following the reglazing? We need to care when the baths are refinished. There is also a short-term exposure limit (STEL) for which the average exposure cannot exceed 125 ppm over any 15-minute period. We have for years been trying to come up with a Stripper that will remove Epoxy DIY kits that do not have the Methylene Chloride but time is an issue. Patrick. Do-it-yourself bathtub refinishing kits and professional refinishing products alike are not to be inhaled or absorbed by your skin. Alternatively, you can search on Methylene Chloride and Safety Data Sheet for a listing of various SDSs for similar products. After the bathtub has been stripped and resurfaced how long is the danger from the Methylene chloride still in the air? Ive read some incredible information in this article. I gave my 2 year old a bath a little more came off. Our apartment building had the next apt tub realized these morons did this in winter and there was no windows open. Takes longer and cost more but the client can pay the labor or feel free to do it themselves. Thanks! Great information. I could not believe how hard it was to even find a kit to purchase, which led me to wonder why. I am Gary Goel owner of the Professional Bathtub Refinishers Association. What that means is that at room temperature, methylene chloride will evaporate very rapidly, much more rapidly than water. Also, you may want to ask the installer for the products safety data sheet which may have useful information on curing times and precautions. I am all for saving money and dont wish to come off like I dont appreciate the effort but if your already saving $5000 why not let a pro do it. Methylene chloride is a volatile liquid and will fully evaporate shortly after the project is completed. You get enough toxic chemicals in your daily life without adding additional products that harm you by breathing its toxic fumes or being absorbed into your skin. Is that dangerous as well? The second method uses no chemical stripper but relies instead on scraping and mechanical sanding to remove bathtub finishes. I myself am in the process of creating a technique that will eliminate the need for methylene chloride. For consumer concerns such as this you may want to contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Acid is then applied to deglaze the tub and/or tile, followed by a bonding agent or primer, and finally, a urethane topcoat is applied. For consumer-related questions after the tub has been refurbished, please contact the Consumer Product Safety Commission. When selecting a PID care must be taken to make sure that the instrument is equipped with a lamp that has the ionization potential necessary to detect methylene chloride (11.7 eV lamp). Ron, I have a similar question to the one already asked. ARE THESE REGLAZED TUBS DANGEROUS AFTER THE PROCESS DRIES? Never stay where resurfacing is being done. She is the recipient of two awards from the National Association of Real Estate Editors for interior design and service journalism. Very good to know, Ill let the pros do it from now on, and let my readers know the same! Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday! This is in Australia. Its highly toxic Teri. Keep posting at all like me gonna turned up at write out paper everyday! Bare minimum, the ventilation should meet some requirements, and homeowners should HAVE to LEAVE THE HOUSE for 3 days. I had my tub reglazed recently. Making safety precautions is the priority for all kinds of work. My head and stomach hurts, and I have a bad taste in my mouth. Perfect for renters, apartment dwellers, and residential or commercial tubs, sinks, showers. If you are concerned about the smells, you could seek help from your local health department. Keep posting as I am gonna come to read it everyday! My heart goes out to those who lost friends and/or loved ones due to CM. I had no problems with it and thought they knew what they were doing as it happens all the time here. Thetoxic fumesreleased during the processnot only make your apartment smell bad, theyre dangerous if not dealt with properly. I live in Newark housing and I have been there for 11 years and every 9 months they have to paint the tub and I have to stay in the house after they paint it and it keeps messing up can you tell me what should I do. Jimmy White of Staten Island-based Custom Spraying and Reglazing, who has been doing it for more than 30 years and is considered the reglazer to the starsheworked on Faye Dunaway's and Candace Bergens bathroomssays it can be done in a few hours, plus 24 hours of dry time. Not worth it. Comments listed below are posted by individuals not associated with CDC, unless otherwise stated. The concentration of the exposure is important too. Im not aware of any can anyone point me in the right direction please? Using methylene chloride products in a bathroom is extremely dangerous as bathrooms are often small, enclosed spaces with little or no ventilation. So, if the concentration were over the PEL, for example at 50 ppm, the workers would exceed the 25 ppm average limit in 4 hours. We have absolutely no ventilation in our apartment. Even low income people dont deserve treatment like Ive seen and been through. Symptoms such as difficulty breathing, chest pain, palpitations, dizziness or difficulty staying awake require immediate medical attention. Its like trying to paint a car yourself. Methylene chloride cannot be smelled until the level in the air is higher than OSHAs permissible exposure limits (PELs). Lowering exposures, even below the PEL, is considered to be good industrial hygiene practice. I own a small bathtub refinishing business and we have committed to stay away from M.C. I dont think I had the right mask on. Located at [http://www.refinishersonline.com] and I helped in two the studies before this report was finalized. Some many companies and professionals are offering their services for the people for refinishing, repairing, remodeling things. And I havent been able to use mine in years to due mobility being so compromised.
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