jersey sweet potato vs sweet potato
Sugar: A 100-gram serving of baked sweet potato contains 6.5 grams of sugar and a 100-gram serving of baked white potato contains 1.4 grams of sugar, making white potato the winner by a small margin. Covingtons have a distinct rose-colored skin that is often speckled with small spots and super sweet firm, dense bright orange flesh that stays vibrant when cooked. When cooked, these sweet potatoes have a slight flakiness akin to a regular potato. Heirloom sweet potatoes refer to varieties of root vegetables that are old cultivars or heritage varieties. Red potato has less Sugar. Yams are a starchier and drier root vegetable. So if youre looking to keep your diet low in carbs, you might want to look for other alternatives lower on the glycemic index. So don't eat the leaves or stems of any plant in this group, or potatoes that have gone green. Purple sweet potato is not considered to be high in sugar. If you are making pie, the purple sweet may lack the sweetness needed. If you have any questions about this article dont hesitate to email us. The two most common white-fleshed sweet potatoes are Boniato, also called batata, or Cuban sweet potato, and the Japanese sweet potato, also called the satsuma-imo. Beta Carotene also helps promote vitamin A in the body as well as promotes eye health. If you eat too many of these tasty veggies you might notice your skin and nails looking a little orange! Cutting up potatoes and sweet potatoes helps preserve their starchiness, while cooking them whole results in more sugariness. In most Spanish speaking countries, sweet potatoes are known simply as batatas. It's not always easy to tell varieties of orange sweet potatoes apart. Nutrition: Sweet potatoes are native to tropical countries in Central and South America. How to Cook Purple Yams: Baked, Boiled or Roasted, How to Boil, Roast and Microwave Red-Skin Potatoes, account for nearly 85 percent of sweet potato production in North Carolina. These plump tuberous vegetables have rose to red-colored skin with succulent orange flesh. A humid basement or root cellar is the best area. Sweet potatoes hold their sweetness consistently. Directions Pre-heat oven to 400F. Download Our Essential Paleo Pantry List For Free. White Sweet Potato - Also called firm sweet potatoes, white sweet potatoes have light, golden skin and pale flesh. While not inherently bad in any way, the sweet potato seems to overpower the spices. The ones in the supermarket probably have been stored for months, while farm-fresh potatoes may only be a week old. Slower digesting than oats, therefore providing a longer lasting supply of energy. When cooked, Japanese purple sweet potatoes become deliciously sweet and creamy with nutty overtones. Yams and sweet potatoes may look similar when it comes to shape, skin color, and flesh color. For reference: An average 5-inch long medium sweet potato is about 130 grams. Most people may think they are a member of the potato family 1. The fresh purple yam flesh is pale purple with white specks through it. One of the things that always bothered me when living in China was I couldnt tell what type of sweet potato I was buying. Unlike most other sweet potatoes, this Japanese variety has drier flesh. Unlike white potatoes that belong to the nightshade family, sweet potatoes are a member of the morning glory family. Other nutrients like the antioxidant anthocyanin and vitamin C possess anti-inflammatory properties protecting against disease and illness. Most of the worlds yams are grown in in Africa and Asia, and they are actually quite hard to find in the US. 6 slips for $10.00, 12 slips for $17.50, 25 slips for $32.00 Back in 2023 thanks to Yanna Fishman, Yanna's strain appears more white skinned. White sweet potatoes have light brown skin with pale flesh. Uses: Sweet Potatoes go well with meat, poultry, fish and seafood. The following table is a side-by-side comparison of the nutrients: Sweet Potato Cooked (100 g) Russet Potato Cooked (100 g) Calories: 90: 95: Protein: 2.01 g: 2.63 g: Carbohydrates: 20.7 g: 21.4 g: Fiber: 3.3 g: 2.3 g: Fat: 0.15 g . An orange variety of sweet potato similar to Puerto Ricans is the Carolina Nugget. They are your grocery store potatoes, she says. 2. Their flesh is slightly sweet with a starchy texture that is similar to a traditional white potato but is very creamy and takes on a yellowish hue when cooked. Purple sweet potatoes are high in nutrients that have been linked to disease prevention. Researchers administered 400 milligrams of magnesium to a group of 100 participants for a period of 90 days. They need to be baked for approximately 90 to 120 minutes at 350 degrees. Garnets are oblong tubers that have dark-orange to red skin with deep orange-colored flesh. Copyright 2021 - NBIP LLC; Operated by Nourishing Brands LLC | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer, Terms, & Conditions | Contact The most common carotenoids are beta carotenes, lutein, zeaxanthin and lycopene. The taste of Carolina Rubys is described as mildly sweet with delicious moist flesh. They are all comparable in nutrition, so it really comes down to your personal preference for taste, texture and how you want to use them in your favorite recipe. Kevin Garce is a Certified Health Coach who encourages people by informing them on healthy nutrition and food topics important to them. It features beautiful dark-purple skin and pale yellow flesh than darkens as it cooks. National Center for Biotechnology Information. 41% said they preferred the taste of purple sweet. But orange sweet potatoes live up to their namethey have a robust, sweet flavor that will probably never mimic the taste of classic French fries. Best Uses for Adirondack Blue Potato: Boiling, roasting, or steaming. Potatoes are part of the nightshade family, while sweet potatoes belong to the morning glory clan. Connor's reaction was scarcely more helpful than my husband's: "Good!" The conclusion: I had high hopes for the sweet potato pie, but the winner in the root vegetable custard pie head to head competition was clear: pumpkin pie still reigns supreme. It seems that it became popular to call sweet potatoes yams in the US during the late 1800s. Sweet potato skins can be in a range of colors such as pink, red, orange, creamy white, copper, and light tan. Fiber rich diets have been linked to regular bowel movements and a lower risk of colon cancer 8. If you're looking for a little extra sweetness, use Jewels for sweet potato pie or a simple mash with cinnamon and maple syrup on top. Read more: 8 Warning Signs of Depression You Shouldn't Ignore. They're perfect for roasting whole or sliced into fries. So, for example, a baked sweet potato actually has a higher GI than a boiled white potato. Allow me to preface this with I don't know much about farming. (8). Although their color is similar to regular starchy potatoes, they have an oblong shape that tapers at either end. Sweet potatoes are a little sweeter than purple which have a milder flavor. The skin is a light tan color and the flesh is creamy-white. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that helps regulates mood and sleep, among other things. Cleveland Clinic 1995-2023. King and Coho salmon are both great for high-quality meals, but its important to understand their differences. The cooked sweet potato skin peels off to reveal dark sweet orange flesh. If you are interested in integrating more protein into your diet, you should probably consider traditional potatoes instead of sweet potatoes. Many sweet potatoes are marketed as yams. Poke a few holes into each potato with a fork or knife, place in microwaveable dish, and microwave on high for 5-10 minutes. As mentioned earlier, anthocyanins are the pigments that give red, purple, and blue fruits, plants and vegetables their rich coloring and provide anti-inflammatory benefits. TASTE Mildly sweet and fairly firm inside. Because of the diversity of sweet potato viruses, it is important to monitor and . Please help! For example, the Okinawa purple sweet potato variety from Japan has beige skin and dark purple flesh. Flavor was not the primary goal for the production of these varieties. That doesnt mean that Beauregard, jewel, and garnet sweet potatoes dont serve their purpose in all sorts of recipes, but compared to some other varieties, their flavors and textures are mild. Color: Dark-purple skins, pale yellow flesh.Flavor: Subtly sweet, nutty, rich.Texture: Dense, starchy, smooth.Best uses: Steaming, roasting. These potatoes have golden skin and bright orange-pinkish flesh, making them a popular choice for holiday dishes. Sweet potatoes contain more beta-carotene than purple sweet potatoes. This is the most common sweet potato variety in American grocery stores, and the one you'll find at pretty much every market. Sweet Potato vs. They are generally starchy and slightly sweet, but range in shape, color and texture, each with its own unique taste profile. Ironically, when you want a classic baked sweet potato, with a crisp skin and fluffy orange flesh, or sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving sweet potato casserole, what you should buy will be probably labeled yam. Hannah sweet potatoes have semi-smooth tan skin with shallow eyes, cream-colored flesh and a cylindrical, oblong shape with rounded tapered ends. Eating one orange-fleshed potato will provide 730 percent of your DV for vitamin A, which could help prevent dry eyes, night blindness and reduce the risk of eye infections. Sweet potato is a major staple crop that is grown in many parts of the world, and there are many different sweet potato viruses that can cause disease and reduce crop yields. Conclusions, published in Preventive Nutrition and Food Science in June 2016, reported that all colors of potatoes were similar in polyphenol content, but the purple-fleshed potato had the highest content of anthocyanin antioxidants, while white-fleshed sweet potatoes had the lowest amount. Purple and regular sweet potatoes are both stored in a cool, dry, ventilated container. The flesh varies, too, and can be creamy white,. In a small bowl mix spices and sprinkle generously over potatoes. An amino acid in sweet potato may be beneficial for helping you relax. There are so many different ways to incorporate these nutrient-dense veggies into your diet. The moist orange flesh is perfect for baking and using in desserts. Purple sweet contain more of the antioxidant anthocyanin. Purple ones are denser requiring longer cooking times. Chan: "The Nutrition Source: Vitamin A", Annals of Neurology : "Intakes of Vitamin C and Carotenoids and Risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Pooled Results from 5 Cohort Studies", Food and Nutrition Research: "Anthocyanidins and Anthocyanins: Colored Pigments as Food, Pharmaceutical Ingredients, and the Potential Health Benefits", Preventive Nutrition and Food Science: "Antioxidant Contents and Antioxidant Activities of White and Colored Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.)", Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: "5 Top Foods for Eye Health", Current Developments in Nutrition: "Dietary Consumption of Lutein and Zeaxanthin in Panama: A Cross-Sectional Study", Harvard Health: "Top Foods to Help Protect your Vision", Food & Nutrition Research: "The Influences of Purple Sweet Potato Anthocyanin on the Growth Characteristics of Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial Cells", Nutrients: "The Role of Magnesium in Neurological Disorders", MMW Fortschritte Der Medizin: "Long-Term HRV Analysis Shows Stress Reduction by Magnesium Intake", Nutrients: "Influence of Tryptophan and Serotonin on Mood and Cognition with a Possible Role of the Gut-Brain Axis". FLESH Cream/whitish colored that becomes yellow when baked. One medium, 5-inch sweet potato, cooked, provides 23.6 grams or 8 percent of your daily value (DV) for carbs, according to the USDA. Sweet potatoes have a moderate glycemic index and is considered safe for most people. Rest assured, either variety is a good choice nutritionally - so say goodbye to sweet potato favouritism and hello to all kinds of taters. In fact, in the U.S., it is very rare to find true yams for sale in the store. Sweet potatoes are said to have about 86 calories per 100 g and roughly 100 calories per dish. They have white flesh which tends to be dryer and starchier than other sweet potato varieties, with a slightly nutty, floral, sweet flavor. The price may sway your decision about one to use. Here are some of the most popular purple sweet potatoes that you can buy. Whatever your taste, trying different kinds of sweet potatoes can be a delicious culinary experience. Sweet potatoes have quite a bit less protein than a traditional white potato. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. However, there are hundreds of different types of sweet potatoes. While most sweet potato varieties are delicious and incredibly versatile, knowing what type you're dealing with can help you choose a cooking method and sweet potato recipe that may be better suited for that spud. In addition to being sweet and flavorful, they retain their lovely orange hue even after baking. Okinawa sweet potatoes, also known by their Japanese name, beni-imo, have unremarkable off-white or dusty purple skins, but once you slice into them, you're greeted by a rich and vibrant purple flesh rarely seen in nature. A January 2016 review published in Nutrients examined the association of various levels of tryptophan, and its precursor serotonin, on emotion and cognitive reaction. When boiled, purple sweet potatoes have a lower GI than regular sweet potatoes. Read more: Sweet Potatoes Have Almost No Drawbacks, Unless You Have a History of Kidney Stones. These sweet starchy root vegetables have light purple, sometimes red skin, and white flesh. Sweet potato has 86 kcal per 100g and oatmeal 68 kcal per 100g so it is pretty easy to calculate that the difference is about 26%. Depression and anxiety can contribute to difficulty sleeping. All types of sweet potatoes offer nutrient-dense benefits to your health. For example, what is the actual difference between oatmeal and oat bran? Their skin color is not an indication of the flesh color. Their moist flesh is good for baking, mashing, or frying. Neither spud is a dud, but one offers just a bit more nutrition. If you are looking for one of the sweetest types of potato, then this Hernandez variety is one of the best. Jewel sweet potatoes can be cooked in a few different ways. Policy. All sweet potatoes have similar vitamin and mineral content making them great allies in supporting your overall health. Another of the most popular varieties of sweet potato is the delicious Covington cultivar. 10% said they never tried purple before and couldnt answer. Sweet potatoes have a bronze outer skin with anorange flesh inside. The traditional sweet potato and the purple sweet potato are two of the most common. So, when I spotted these 5 varieties of sweet potatoes in Whole Foods the other day, I decided to document them with photographs and notes! I love to simply roast then mash these sweet potatoes with butter, but they can also be used to add some heartiness to winter stews and braises. There are a few varieties of sweet potatoes that are sold as Cordner cultivars. Korean sweet potatoes are some of the best examples of these Asian vegetables. No added sugar, maple syrup or honey necessary! Boniato vs Batata Color: Light brown skins, white flesh.Flavor: Sweet.Texture: Dense, firm, creamy.Best uses: Roasting, mashing. To differentiate the orange sweet potato from the white and yellow ones, it was called a "yam" because it looked similar to the African vegetable. There is also a type of sweet potato called Red Garnet which has reddish-purple skin and orange flesh. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. They taste less sweet and are more akin to winter squash with a heavy, pumpkin-like quality and flavor. Think of all-purpose potatoes as the ultimate workhorse, they have medium starch and medium moisture content. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. It's also because white potatoes are, well, white. There is the Texan Cordner variety with copper-colored skin and medium orange flesh. They can also be added to casseroles, soups and stews to enhance the flavors of other ingredients. The Carolina Ruby sweet potato is a cultivar that was developed using Beauregards. Both are considered root vegetables, meaning the part of the plant you eat grows beneath the soil. On the other hand, purple potatoes are richer in anthocyanins. Click To Download Your Paleo Diet Food List. Enter the white sweet potato. If you are among the many people who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression, eating sweet potatoes may help, due to their high magnesium content 30.8 grams or 7 percent DV per serving, per the USDA. This is identified by its elongated shape, deep purple skin, and soft white flesh. Sweet potatoes varieties have white flesh or orange flesh, and, there are even some varieties with purple flesh. Generally more round (fatter) than the Stokes purple variety, which are more elongated. Though I think of these as very sweet, their flavor is actually more subdued and subtle than other breeds. Lets Compare. Sweet potatoes are from the Convolvulaceae (morning glory) family, and are native to tropical parts of the American continents. Sweet potatoes are root vegetables that have the scientific name Ipomoea batatas and are part of the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae. Compared to regular potatoes, sweet potatoes have an irregular, long oblong shape. Another type of purple sweet potato from the family Convolvulaceae is the Okinawan cultivar. Keia explained that all three of the popular orange varieties I'd decided to include in this guide were designed first and foremost with production in mind. Sweet potatoes are a popular vegetable in North America where they are also called yams. Serving Size: 1 medium potato Calories: 177 Fat: 0.26g Carbohydrates: 42g (6g fiber) Protein: 2.29g Vitamin A: 4%* Vitamin C: 43%* Calcium: 3%* Iron: 5%* Potassium: 1224mg (35%*) Vitamin B6: 22%* Manganese: 30%* Jewel Sweet Potatoes SKIN - Orange/copper. A true yam has a bark-like skin with hairs. Please note though, the type of vitamin A is betacarotene, and only a small percentage is actually converted to retinol, the usable form of vitamin A. These are the The more potassium, the more sodium your body will lose. "Macronutrient-wise, both potatoes clock in at very similar values. When finished, they'll be creamy, smooth, and rich. This has reddish-purple skin and vibrant orange sweet flesh. I've long believed that the sweet potato is a perfect foodit's filling, flavorful, easy to make, and, according to the internet, relatively nutritious. Summary Adirondack Blue Potato Flesh Color: Dark purple flesh. Perhaps unsurprisingly, boiled sweet potatoes contain more than 14 times the amount of sugar of regular boiled potatoes (11.6g compared to 0.8g per 100g). His years of research and knowledge inspire people to achieve their goals. Cook them until you can stick a fork into them easily (this takes approximately 30-60min). Sweet potatoes are a fantastic source of vitamins and minerals especially vitamin A. Want more Paleo sweet potato recipes? Available year-round, they have purple-tinted skin with a deep purple flesh that intensifies when cooked.
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